To enable teenagers and children with spiritual or financial needs to attend camp at a cost that is affordable to them
In Mark 10:14, Jesus commands his disciples: “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (ESV). Finances are often the biggest hindrance from attending camp. The 1st Fruits Scholarship has been provided to help remove this hindrance.
Scholarships are determined on an individual basis. The Financial Aid Form (FAF) is designed in such a way as to give the parent/guardian the ability to determine his/her own level of need.
We ask that you contribute as much as you can to your child’s week of camp. Many families need financial assistance so the more you can provide to help your child the further we can stretch our scholarship dollars to help more families.
Camp Loma de Vida will Scholarship up to 80% of one week of camp per camper. Each camper may only attend one week of camp on scholarship. Full scholarships are not available.
Scholarships are limited so apply as soon as possible.
How to Apply:
Complete the FAF. Please be sure to include the complete information for each camper in your household applying for a scholarship.
When we have finished reviewing your FAF request, we will send you an email to notify you of the amount of scholarship you are eligible for.
Scholarship applications received after MAY 31 are NOT assured financial aid.